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Santa Fe South In the News

Elijah Morlett

Due to ongoing inclement weather conditions, all Santa Fe South campuses will continue with distance learning on Thursday, February 13. The designated remote learning day will also proceed as planned on Friday, February 14. The designated remote learning day for all campuses except Pathways Middle College will also proceed as planned on Friday, February 14.

Only Santa Fe South Pathways Middle College will be in class on Friday, February 14.

The district will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day.

We look forward to welcoming our Saints back on campus Tuesday, February 18.



A Message to our Families Jan. 28, 2025
Elijah Morlett

Dear SFS Families,

First, I want you to know that we consider it a privilege and honor to work with your family. The fact that you choose Santa Fe South for the education of your children is something that we do not take for granted. We are grateful for the opportunity to work alongside you to raise such strong, gifted young people.

In recent days, things have been moving fast as the new federal administration takes its turn at governing. I want to pass along a few things for us all to keep in mind as we continue to stay focused on the wellbeing and education of our Saints.

What we know to do:
- Keep calm, continue to provide safety, security, and an excellent learning environment.
- Hear the fears of our children and connect them with resources to help them process their concerns.|
- Assure parents that their children are safe and cared for at SFS Schools.

What we do not know:
- If anything will even change in any real way. We have had many such cycles where fear was the goal, and action otherwise was rare. We will work to discern anything that truly affects our families.
- If state or federal law will change but these changes take time and often have to work their way through the legislative process and legal system. 

What we will/will not do:
- We will not pass along unfounded rumors or be a part of fear-mongering. We will care for kids so that they are safe and in a posture to learn.
- We will not permit ICE or other law enforcement to operate on any SFS property without a court order or subpoena.
- In accordance with FERPA, we will not provide personal student information to anyone or any agency outside of SFS without a subpoena or court order.
- We will continue to provide excellent education for all who enroll, in keeping with the requirements of the US Constitution and Oklahoma State law. 

We encourage parents to continue to make sure all students are present at school where they will be safe, cared for and educated.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or if we can be of assistance to your family.


Chris Brewster
Santa Fe South Schools


Back to School at Santa Fe South!
Santa Fe South Schools

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year, Saints! We are so excited to welcome you to our school, and we can't wait to see how much you learn and grow this year. 

Please see your student's campus website for more information regarding:

  • Daily Schedules
  • Drop off and pick up line instructions
  • School Supply lists (Note: high schools do not have school supply lists; some schools require a one-time fee and will purchase supplies for every student in the school)

 Important Dates

  • Uniform Shirt Sales: Monday, July 15th through Friday, July 19th from 9am-3pm in the Santa Fe South Hills Elementary Cafeteria (7000 Crossroads Blvd. in the Crossroads Mall)
    • Shirts are $10 for youth and adult sizes and can be purchased with cash, credit card, or check.
    • All SFS students* are required to wear SFS uniform shirts, along with blue or black denim jeans without holes, and shoes with enclosed toes. See our student handbook for more info on our dress code. *SFS Pathways Middle College polos have a different logo which will be on sale at their Back to School Bash
    • Outerwear (sweatshirts, jackets, etc) will not be for sale at the Uniform Sale. Individual campuses usually sell jackets and sweatshirts on their campus in the Fall.
  • Back to School Bash: Families are invited to come meet their student's teacher, see their school, and meet other classmates. 
  • First day of School: Thursday, August 1st
    • See your campus's website for school start/dismissal times
  • Parent Portal Forms:
    • Please log into your Parent Portal at
    • You should have an email with instructions for completing your student's forms
    • Forms are due August 28th

If you have questions, please contact your student's campus first, and reach out to the Santa Fe South District Office by calling (405) 601-5440 or coming by 7000 Crossroads Blvd, Suite 4000. 

We look forward to meeting you and your student, and we wish you a great start to your school year!

SFS High School FFA and Urban Ag Program Announced
Santa Fe South Schools

Starting this Fall, Santa Fe South High School will be the first charter school in Oklahoma with a Future Farmers of America (FFA) program. 

Though traditionally assumed to focus on rural agriculture, Santa Fe South High School will offer elective courses to introduce "urban agriculture" to its students. Students will also be able to participate in the school's first FFA program, which offers students leadership development and post-secondary opportunities in agriculture-adjacent education and career fields. 

For more information about Oklahoma's Future Farmers of America program, please visit their website, 

SFS Pathways Senior Named to President's Leadership Class
Santa Fe South Schools

Santa Fe South Pathways Middle College Senior Aleyda was selected as one of the 15 students in the Southwestern Oklahoma State University President’s Leadership Class (PLC) for 2024-25. 

As a part of the President's Leadership Class, Aleyda will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive a $1,000 Scholarship/Stipend for the Freshman and Sophomore years.
  • Cover the cost of her dorm room her Freshman year
  • Meet monthly with the University's President with her PLC cohort

To read more about the President's Leadership Class, click here

Congratulations to Aleyda, and we wish you the very best as you excel in college, career, and beyond!